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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 1st August 2015
jc55jc jc55jc is offline
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jc55jc is on a distinguished road
Arrow BSPlayer V3

This message is for the creator of this player.
Have used this player (free version) for about a month and indeed is the best available that I know of.
Apparently you need support in the way of funds to continue improving this software.
Well, the amount that you want for the PRO version is not very appealing, and makes it much worse when you ask for $20.00 every year to renew the subscription.
Apparently and based on the threads you have not done anything in the form of substantial improvement to the software.
My suggestion is that you perhaps maintain the initial cost the same but drop the yearly renewal, unless you go to work and show substantial improvements to the software on a regular basis.
Once that happens, then you will have me as a contributor.
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