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Old 1st December 2015
Hollaballer Hollaballer is offline
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Default Volume and embedded subtitles problem in v2.70

Hi, I've updated my BSPlayer to v2.70 and now I'm having two problems:

1. Since 2.70 version now supports HEVC/x265, for that it uses LAV filters and by using LAV filters my volume for any video format is way lower than before the update. Unlike previous ffdshow extensive options for audio decoding, LAV apparantly has almost nothing worthwile.

I've tried reinstalling all the filters with codecmanager and latest K-Lite codec and LAV filter v0.67, nothing.

Also tried to force through K-Lite codec setup to use ffdshow audio for audio decoding and nothing, still everything goes through LAV, be it .avi or x265 .mkv.

When I "crank" up the volume in BSPlayer to 100% and in Windows 7 volume mixer everything to 100%, sound is so low that sound mixer in Windows is peaking at barely 10% max.

In other programs (Winamp, Media Player Classic... even when playing HEVC/x265), sound works fine.

2. The other problem is that BSPlayer won't load embedded subtitles in .mkv files. And I think this is not even a new problem. When I right click on video and go Subtitles, it says "undetermined" and wheter I click it or not, there are no subtitles.

In Media Player Classic everything works fine and it shows which subs are available in the file.

Halp :P

Last edited by Hollaballer; 14th December 2015 at 03:24 PM.
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