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Old 11th November 2003
clemsou clemsou is offline
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Default and so what's the solution

all my subtitles are in black that's awfull
how is it possible to turn them in white (whithout being obliged to switch it each time I read a file)
I'm sorry I'm quite new in this forum but does the one how created bsplayer read those message?
I'm a bit disapointed by version1 since what I thought would be done with subtitles isn't: I thought taht if a line was too long to fit on the screen it would add a line break but in spite of that it just write it smaller that's bad.
beside the subtitles can't go really at the real riht and at the real left: for exempleit writes
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb b
in spite of

here directvobsub is still better (I still use it because I like watching movies with both english and french subtitles and bsplayer can't load 2 different subtiltes at the same time)
those are the stuff that miss me in bsplayer
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