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Old 2nd October 2016
Mokona512 Mokona512 is offline
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It does the not compatible whenever there is a restriction on the availability within a country. I have yet to find a device that the program did not work on, though one common bug that I have noticed, is one of configuration.

If it experiences a delay in playback for any reason (e.g., lag, or a minor delay in streaming while in the popup player mode, the program will automatically close the pop-up player, and not retain the playback time, thus starting the video over again.

Other pop-up video players do not have that issue, thus you can freely surf the web without fear of the pop-up player randomly closing and forgetting where it left off.

Overall, if they can possibly get in contact with a dev who worked on dice player (abandoned video player), they could end up with a player that supports just about everything, while having a fully reliably pop-up player.
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