also i told in a brazilian forum a few minutes later:
"ok. um pouco chato, mas bug rastreado. ?© uma intera?§Ä?o de software q gera. desabilitando o arquivo NVTUICPL.CPL - nvidia control panel, version 52.16 resolveu o problema. o interessante da coisa ?© q esse problema s?? ocorreu ap??s a instala?§Ä?o do bsplayer 1.00 RC1 build 800. se ocorrer o mesmo problema, tente desabilitar pelo registro do windows ou utilizando o tweakui (localize o arquivo tweakui.cpl) e, em control panel, desabilite o arquivo"
english translation:
ok. a little boring, bug bug tracked. a interaton of software does that. disable the file NVTUICPL.CPL - nvidia control panel, version 52.16 solve the problem. this problem just happend after instalation of bsplayer 1.00 RC1 build 800. if this happend, try disable this file by windows registry or by tweakui (locate the file tweakui.cpl) and, in control panel, disable the file