Volume button, not bar
in the old format i was able to set an image as vol button and a "rect" where the image could be dragged inside, hor. or vert.
old format (inc. comments):
; In case of
; VolumeKind=CH -> x,y,xmax
; VolumeKind=CV -> x,y,ymax
; x,y are postion of volume button, xmax(ymax) is x(y) postion to where button is allowed to move
; If defined -> Volume style: CH-Skinnable button horizontal, CV- -||- vertical
; Name of bitmap files for volume button -> BtnName[n|d|u].bmp
; n-Normal picture
; d-Picture when button is pressed
; u-Picture when mouse moves over
; In this case full names will be VolBtnn.bmp,VolBtnd.bmp,VolBtnu.bmp -> This 3 pics should be present
in the new format i have this options:
; same parameters as TrackBar
; Trackbar:
; Position and size
; x,y,w,h (w,h is ignored if TrackKind=HB,VB)
; Track bar kind,
; H-Horizontal, V-Vertical, HB-Custom bitmap horizontal, VB-Custom bitmap vertical
; HBtn - button Horizontal, VBtn - button Vertical
; If HBtn or VBtn
i have tried this..
PosSize=239,236,10,21 ; played with val.
tried adding the line
PosSize=239,236,10,21 ; played with val.
still noluck... The image just won't appear
help please :)