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Old 16th November 2003
P.O. Box P.O. Box is offline
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Originally Posted by Chewbacca
Well, I had the same bug, but here is a workaround :
I put the following options in my ini file:

I solved it differently. I still used the option RunHD=0 because I wanted to make sure that BSplayer is always used from CD. Any friend I give my Cds to must use BSplayer because I have mostly all Dvix in double audio lang.
So I had this idea: each skin is a .bsz file which is actually a zipped folder of files renamed. I thought: what if the problem is this compressed skin file? So I changed the ext. of my favourite skin into .zip then I unzipped it and I renamed the folder I got as "Base" (of course I deleted the original base skin). This way it worked: I had chosen the Metallized skin because it has that useful command bar on Full screen and I can now use Metallized always as a default from CD.

I haven't tried to unzip all other skins to see if I could change skins from CD. Maybe the problem was not the compressed file but anyhow that gave me the idea and now it works as I wanted. Until further upgrade :D
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