Hi! Finally I had some time to check the old skins' conversion process.
I'm very glad to see that for loading old skins (not compressed) BSPlayer creates a "skinv1.ini" file, and for compressed one there are no changes!! GREAT JOB! That way you can use those skins with both previous and next player's versions!
Anyway, there are some bugs in the conversion process:
- Jump backward command 39 is not converted as command 80 but as "BtnStop"
- Jump foreward command 38 is not converted as command 79 but as "BtnPause"
- Color control command 51 is not converted as command 98 but as ... something wrong
- Increase Font Size command 46 is not converted as command 83 but as ... something wrong
- Decrease Font Size command 47 is not converted as command 84 but as ... something wrong
- In a skin of mine buttons can't work due to a bad conversion: is not assigned a type (in my case 0) to the buttons, when in the original Skin.ini file there's the string "ButtonAnyShape=0".
Example: BtnPlay=36,86;Play [converted in] Btn2=bplay,36,86,,20;Play
Anyway I still say you've done a great work, and I hope you can fix these problems in your next BSP build!
Here's a quesion: why does the player creates a "skin.inifs.new" file (when converting old non compressed skins) that plus contains only the section [Display]?
I wish you a good work! Bye!