21st June 2003
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Jun 2003
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[bug] Play incomplete avi files
Since version 496, BSPlayer has the possibility to play incomplete avi files. However, this doesn't seem to work every time the right way.
The problem is:
-I have an incomplete anime episode with DivX encoded video and mp3 audio -> I try to play it in BSPlayer and it works fine.
-I have the beginning of Final Fantasy (The Movie) also with DivX encoded video and mp3 audio and the image is displayed properly but there is no sound. I open the right click menu, go to filters and see that the mp3 decoder is listed there. I open the properties box for the mp3 decoder and see that it shows the right value for the bit rate but displayes nothing under frames rendered. So, the mp3 decoder doesn't receives any of the frames of the audio stream.