Well i've been on this problem for 3 days now day and night and can't find a solution.
What happenes is this if i use the overlay on mode 1 with bsplayer and xvids or divxs it works but the picture on my tv is leaves a margin on the right instead of being in the middle proberly.
When i try to adjust it via the properties of the card it never comes in the middle and it just has a very pour viewing result (let me just say:().
If i use mode 2 it is almost perfectly aligned and the colours are really much better but i cannot c the subtitles on my tv only on my primary monitor:(.
I'm on a xp2000 athlon with 512 ddram
Gfx card Radeon Ati 9800 using tv out with scard
O.S Xp Pro S.p 1
B.s player ver. 1.00.803
Oh and everytime i restart my pc all my settings and configurations get lost in my card's properties
Any help will be really appreciated and please xcuse my poor english