28th October 2004
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Mar 2004 Location: France
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Message for uploader of iCandy Junior XP Silver skin
This is a message for the person who has uploaded a new version of my skin called iCandy Junior XP Silver on October 23 :
I don't mind you're making alterations to my skin in private use but when if you decide to upload it to the site the least you can do is credit me as the author of the original skin with a note indicating you made alteration. This is the basics of politeness. Using other people's creativity in your own name is called plagiarism and is bound to bring you bad luck :evil:
In such case the uploader has chosen to remain anonymous so I don't know what to call it ....
Don't worry I won't sue  but I hope it won't happen again.
"Our lives end the day we remain silent about things that matter" -- Martin Luther King