Windows XP GE-force 4 440
Help, my bsplayer don't working !! I install ans uninstall ten time and wen i open a file theire is ci message :
BSPlayer v0.86.493, Unhandled exception at EIP: 1D1C4E86
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Access violation at address 1D1C4E86 in module 'MMSwitch.ax'. Read of address 00000000
, 0x004B48EF, 0x004B4B69, 0x004520BF, 0x0044972A, 0x77D37B17, 0x77D3CDCE, 0x77D14435, 0x77D14D38, 0x004C62AF, 0x77E5EB69
I don'know what i can do please please I need bsplayer and my Windows media player 9 don't working too !!!
If you can tell me exactly what i have to do thanks you a lot
ps: sorry for my english you can answer in french or english
thanks thansk