23rd November 2003
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Nov 2003
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[BUG?] PAN-SCAN doesn't work on TV-OUT!
Hi! :D I found a small problem when using BSPlayer to view movie on my Televison (Tv-Out)... :roll:
When I use the "Custom Pan-Scan" option, the movie "expands" on my PC monitor, but it doesn't do anything on my TV screen! :(
On my television the movie appears as if I didn't do any "pan-scanning", although in my monitor it works correctly! :roll:
I have the following setting enabled: "Options -> Preferences -> Video -> Overlay: Mode 2"
I do this so the DirectVobSub plug.in can load the subtitles on the movie, otherwise it doesn't!
And in the "Display Settings", with the latest nVidia Drivers, I have an option enabled called "Fullscreen Video", which allows the movie to appear on fullscreen on my TV set even if on my PC monitor it appears on a window...
Am I doing something wrong here, or is this a real bug? :?