I was playing a DivX movie, I believe it was encoded using DivX 5.01, I had it in full screen, then after missing something in the movie, used the seek bar to go back about 35 seconds or so, all of a sudden the movie window resized to nothing, then blinked continously and then zoomed out to like an insane size, yet not full screen just super zoomed in, hard to explain really. After about a minute of this, and not being able to close bsplayer manually, it crashed. Unlike the last bug report I made, I am going to attach the text document I made of the crash information.
After the crash my system was extremely slow, and when I tried opening the movie in Mplayer 6.4 the movie wouldn't play. I opened task manager and bsplay.exe was still there eating 100% cpu time and about 35 mb of memory. I then closed it, everything worked fine after that. Except my sound that still didn't work, so I rebooted. That's about all I can remember about the crash. Hope this helps.