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black_ps 19th March 2009 02:52 AM

some problems
i`m using BS.Player PRO 2.36 build 990 , 13 mar 2009,have installed klmcodec470 , + divx 7 + Xvid-1.2.1
Amd Athlon 3500+ 2,21 GHz , 1.00 GB RAM

not all subtitles are loaded automatically , and when you click "load subtitle" sometimes it shows the previous folder of movie, maybe you can make it to check for subtitles in the current directory of movie,ex e:/filme/movie to load the subtitle from where the movie was started. And i think it will take some time to close the bsplayer in the latest bsplayer when running a movie,not like in 2.35 it will take more seconds to close it. i`m using XP Professional SP1


black_ps 19th March 2009 03:06 AM

color controls bug
1 Attachment(s)
i go to Video > Color controls change Brightness at 7.0 i go again to Brightness it's 7.5 again,i think it's a bug.


black_ps 19th March 2009 03:30 AM

more info
From what i see the problem with the freeze for a couple a seconds when closing is with mp4 files the problem i think it's Haali Media Splitter from k-line codec pack , Haali Media Splitter version

thanks again and again for such a good work with bsplayer.

black_ps 19th March 2009 03:54 AM

to many bugs
go to a movie that has 2 parts,example E:\Filme\casino royale load Casino.Royale.TELESYNC.XViD-grifON.cd1.avi then go to 50% of the movie then while Casino.Royale.TELESYNC.XViD-grifON.cd1.avi is running try to load Casino.Royale.TELESYNC.XViD-grifON.cd2.avi to see if it's working,from same directory to me it's not working ,the Casino.Royale.TELESYNC.XViD-grifON.cd1.avi keeps running

black_ps 19th March 2009 04:25 AM

problem ..
4 Attachment(s)
i have Casino.Royale.TELESYNC.XViD-grifON.cd1.avi and Casino.Royale.TELESYNC.XViD-grifON.cd2.avi in same folder, i run Casino.Royale.TELESYNC.XViD-grifON.cd1 go to 50% close file,trying to run Casino.Royale.TELESYNC.XViD-grifON.cd2.avi

adicoto 19th March 2009 06:12 AM

Yes, both bugs were reported earlier, I am sure the team it's working hard to fix them. Thank you for posting and let's hope for a quick solution to the problems.
For the subtitles folder, you can go to subtitle preferencies and set there default folder to search for subtitles.
As for the video problem, please tell us what video card do you have.

Multumim, Sergiu, pentru faptul ca ai reusit sa decoperi cauza erorilor, ambele au fost deja semnalate. Si de asemenea pentru solutia salvarii subtitrarilor online. Speram sa fie reparate cat mai repede. In preferintele subtitrarii poti seta folderul implicit in care sa caute subtitrari.
Ce placa video ai ?

Offtopic: pune SP2 sau SP3, pe motive de stabilitate si securitate.

Mat2000 19th March 2009 10:38 AM

Thank you , we will take deeper look.

black_ps 19th March 2009 11:31 AM

hello again
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i have NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS 512.0 MB

black_ps 19th March 2009 11:43 AM

more problems?
if you enable "Remember movie settings" it will remember if you close the movie while running let's say at 50% if you open the movie again it will go at 50% if it has been closed there.


BSPeter 19th March 2009 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by blackps (Beitrag 36575)
if you enable "Remember movie settings" it will remember if you close the movie while running let's say at 50% if you open the movie again it will go at 50% if it has been closed there.


Doesn't seem like a problem or bug to me. Instead it is a BS.Player feature.

black_ps 19th March 2009 05:15 PM

it says it will remember font,and other stuff not where to movie stopped at

BSPeter 19th March 2009 05:33 PM

Sorry I've misunderstood you when you spoke about 50%.
Now I understand you referred to the time played (and not to pan scan or something similar).
That concerns a different option.
(rightclick =>) Options => Preferences => General => [General]
"Remember last movie position"
Is it selected in your settings?

adicoto 19th March 2009 05:43 PM

Last buids do that by default.

BSPeter 19th March 2009 05:48 PM

You mean that it is checked by default on first installation?
I don't know as I always install "over" the old installation, which leaves my settings untouched.

black_ps 19th March 2009 07:31 PM

"Remember last movie position" is not checked that why i told you about it i install it over like you and it keeps his settings.


black_ps 19th March 2009 08:02 PM

part 2 of movie
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after running a movie in full screen with Pan-Scan auto ( O pressed ) when the movie gets to part 2 it's not full screen with Pan-Scan auto like previous in settings. see pics, and i need to press O again to see it good

BSPeter 19th March 2009 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by blackps (Beitrag 36590)
"Remember last movie position" is not checked that why i told you about it i install it over like you and it keeps his settings.

Sorry cannot reproduce; without "Remember last movie position" being selected the movie simply starts at the beginning; if selected BS.Player first asks what I want (either from the start or from last position).

adicoto 19th March 2009 11:18 PM

Not in here. And as I've stated, this happens with the last 10 or smth builds. Option unchecked ;)

BSPeter 20th March 2009 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by adicoto (Beitrag 36595)
Not in here..... Option unchecked ;)

Do you mean you can or cannot confirm this as a possible bug?

Originally Posted by adicoto (Beitrag 36595)
... as I've stated, this happens with the last 10 or smth builds.

I think your memory is playing tricks on you. This feature for movie-media other than DVD was only introduced some four builds ago:

BSPeter 20th March 2009 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by blackps (Beitrag 36564)
i go to Video > Color controls change Brightness at 7.0 i go again to Brightness it's 7.5 again,i think it's a bug.

Just read with respect to 2.37.991 beta version (200903192037) that a problem with not remembering color controls settings was fixed for Vista. Hopefully this it also solves your problem under XP-Professional SP1

black_ps 20th March 2009 02:27 AM

i don't know how it's working for you but to me it's starting from where the movie was stopped at,without "Remember last movie position"


black_ps 20th March 2009 02:37 AM

anyway this is not such a big bug,but the rest are.


BSPeter 20th March 2009 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by blackps (Beitrag 36601)
i don't know how it's working for you but to me it's starting from where the movie was stopped at,without "Remember last movie position"

Like I said:

Originally Posted by BSPeter (Beitrag 36593)
Sorry cannot reproduce; without "Remember last movie position" being selected the movie simply starts at the beginning; if selected BS.Player first asks what I want (either from the start or from last position).

That's how it's working for me.

BSPeter 21st March 2009 12:17 AM

Very strange indeed!
I'm now able to confirm this behaviour for Beta-version 237.991(200903192037).
[Installed it alongside 236.990, both with settings in installation folder.]
For me v.236.990 still works like I indicated earlier.
And now 237.991ß works for me like blackps indicated!

black_ps 21st March 2009 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by BSPeter (Beitrag 36614)
Very strange indeed!
I'm now able to confirm this behaviour for Beta-version 237.991(200903192037).
[Installed it alongside 236.990, both with settings in installation folder.]
For me v.236.990 still works like I indicated earlier.
And now 237.991ß works for me like blackps indicated!

You mean the one with the movie from where it has been stopped?

adicoto 21st March 2009 07:18 AM

Yeap, the same I confirmed earlyer for the latest 10 builds. Me, I was happy to see this feature back.

BSPeter 21st March 2009 04:14 PM

Meanwhile tested for 235, 236 and 237. "Autoplay" selected in all situations. Also BS.Player is exited somewhere "at midway position" during playback. (Questions regarding subtitles disregarded.)
"Remember last movie position": selected
"Remember movie settings": selected.
Upon restart BS.Player:
Movie starts (auto)playing from midway position and asks "Continue playing from previous position" Yes/No (Note "previous position"="midway position".)
While playback has meanwhile advanced to present position (=midway plus) clicking on
Yes - starts again from midway position.
No - continues playback from present position and "Remember last movie position" is deselected.
"Remember last movie position" selected
"Remember movie settings" deselected
Upon restart BS.Player:
Movie starts (auto)playing from the beginning and asks "Continue playing from previous position" Yes/No
While playback has meanwhile advanced to present position (=midway plus) clicking on
Yes - starts again from midway position
No - continues playback from present position and "Remember last movie position" is deselected.
"Remember last movie position" deselected
"Remember movie settings" selected
Upon restart BS.Player:
Movie doesn't (auto)start. When clicking on play button it starts playing from midway position (without asking any question).
"Remember last movie position" deselected
"Remember movie settings" deselected
Upon restart BS.Player:
Movie doesn't (auto)start. When clicking on play button it starts playing from the start.
With respect to [1] and [2] if "No": I don't know if it is logical to change a general preference ("Remember last movie position" is deselected) on the basis of a reply to a question concerning one particular file.
With respect to [1]-Yes: it seems a bit silly to (rewind)restart the movie at midway which just started at midway (=previous position).
With respect to [1]-No: one would expect the movie to (re)start from the beginning; instead it continues from present position (midway-plus).
IMHO this odd behaviour is caused by apparently not treating "movie settings" and "last movie position" as separate issues.
Taking adicoto's obvious preference into consideration, I would suggest three options:
"Remember movie settings" (not also concerning "last position")
"Remember last movie position"
"Auto continue from last movie position"
Where the last option is intended to skip the intermediate question what the user wants.
The last two should be treated as a pair (it should only be possible to select these two "either/or" or "nor" and not "and/and").

black_ps 21st March 2009 04:26 PM

So this "problem" will be fixed in a next version maybe?:biggrin: and what about the problem when running part 2 of movie that you need to press O letter to see the movie good can this problem be fixed?


BSPeter 21st March 2009 04:36 PM

Did you happen to read this thread (click here)?
What does "old style playlist" show you (at its north-east corner) for the two consecutive files when loaded?
Note: select the files one by one.

black_ps 21st March 2009 07:29 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I`m afraid Pan-Scan is not working automatically on full screen you need to press O even in settings > Playlist > is set Full screen and Pan-scan to Auto

See the black that is down and up in the pic

black_ps 23rd March 2009 04:49 PM

oh ,one more problem with AC3Filter latest it a problem with sound,maybe other users have same problem , i must use <b>1.11</b> - 28.10.06,not all movies have this problem.


adicoto 23rd March 2009 06:03 PM

And the problem is ?
Tested some of the latest builds on 5.1 systems, AC3Filter 1.46 working well.

black_ps 24th March 2009 08:26 AM

The problem with sound,with the latest i had some problems with sound,anyway not it's working using a previous version of ac3filter


adicoto 24th March 2009 10:30 AM

If you post the problem here, maybe others will know about it and we will all try to solve it.

Daca ti-e mai usor sa te exprimi, scrie in romana.

black_ps 25th March 2009 09:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Another problem in BS.Player pro 2.37 build 991B , i can't close subtitle finder from "X" up right, i must click no,i think it's a bug maybe ?


black_ps 25th March 2009 12:01 PM

I think i can confirm one bug ,after watching a movie , i have closed bsplayer but the monitor is not turning off anymore like it should ,maybe you can check this problem out.


black_ps 27th March 2009 07:28 PM

Running bspcodecdl will tell you that AC3 Filter version available is and on the website it's available for download
AC3Filter 1.51a

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