Hi, i need to add filenames to the playlist.
I'm using a remote control, girder and winlirc and i've written some code that detects all media on my cd-drives.
The script calls a little delphi app for every file found and passes the filename on the commandline.
So i need to pass the filename to the playlist in my delphi application.
I've already managed to open the playlist, get the needed handles and add the filename to the listbox, but it seems, that when i doubleclick a entry in the playlist, bsplayer takes the itemindex and opens the file from another list thati cannot add the filename to.
Did i miss something after adding the filename to the listbox?
I only used addstring.
If not please add a message to bsplayer.pas that adds a file to the playlist or if this is not possible perhaps you can tell me how to get the handle for the playlists add file dialog and the dialogs edit.
I hope you can help me with this.