22nd October 2003
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Apr 2003
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Pro Logic Upmix to 5.1
I have Creative Audigy and Creative 6.1 Speakers, but when I watch movies with 2 channel sound (mp3 audio) all of the sound goes to all of the speakers although the mp3 is encoded to pro logic. Now PowerDVD can decode pro logic II but it sucks for watching divx. So I was wondering if i could some how use Cyberlink's audio effects directshow filter to decode the mp3 audio in bsplayer (instead of MPEG Layer-3 Audio Decoder) and decode it with pro logic (just as it uses it to decode AC3). May be there should be an option in Preferences>Audio>For MP3 decoding use... just like there is one for AC3 decoding-InterVideo,Cyberlink etc. There is a program called MatrixMixer which do upmix the 2 channels into 5.1 but it does not have Pro Logic II decoder and there is no separation of the voice and the surround, so I think PowerDVD's filter is the best option yet. Please help - there should be a way!