22nd February 2018
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Feb 2018 Age: 40
Posts: 1
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Suggestion: Windows 10 video live preview, on the task switcher
Hi there,
I have a small suggestion. For a while now i have been running windows 10, ever since it came out actually. One feature i have grown to appreciate is their task switcher, with live previews of video, browser and game windows. Unfortunately, this feature seems to be broken with bsplayer. I think it has something to do with the fact that bsplayer has two windows and the main window is not the video window. Could you change the code for the next build and declare the video window as the main window. I think this feature might be greatly appreciated among windows 10 users and it would get it in line with other video players.
Thank you and best regards. |