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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 4th March 2004
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Default Mute profanity based on subtitles

It's not that difficult to find subtitle files for divx movies these days. With a subtitle file, it would be nice if their was a plugin that would mute the audio when there was profanity in the sentence. TVGuardian does this on a TV set, I would like to be able to do that on my PC, or a way to permanently do it to the source file. How about a bsplayer plugin? Or does anyone know of another way to do this? Thanks!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10th March 2004
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i agree. I think a good movie can be ruined by too much profanity. It can be very annoying
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10th March 2004
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It's good to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have searched google nearly to death to find a way to do this, and I don't see a way. If I want to make a movie more family friendly, I can skip the sex scenes, but there's no way of knowing when and how often you'll hear some foul language. BSPlayer already supports subtitles, I'm no programmer, but it seems like it wouldn't be too difficult to simply mute the audio during the timeframe of the sentence with profanity. The span of time is already in the file that it needs to be muted, you could somehow feed the string into a variable, and search for keywords, and if the criteria is met, mute the volume, until the line goes away, and bring it back up. I'm sure that's easier said than done, but I'm sure there are others who would appreciate this as much or more than myself!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12th March 2004
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All movies are rated and if you don't want to see sex scenes or hear profanities take your time to look at the ratings.

"a good movie can be ruined by too much profanity" ??? - a good movie is good because its director made it this way, and the script writer wrote the script.

Tell me, is "Full Metal Jacket" a good movie or not? And how do you expect to watch it if you mute all foul language?

If you don't want your family see or hear something inappropriate then watch Disney cartoons or family movies only :)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 13th March 2004
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movies that are filled with profanity are for a reason. Not to make characters more diverse etc. Becuase they WANT a specific rating. Who wants to see a G-rated horror film? the G-rating implies that it is a kids movie and that adults will be bored out of their minds.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 15th March 2004
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I agree, I believe movie producers feel like they have to make their movies 'R' rated to appeal to adults. I really liked the first Matrix flic (it went downhilll from there, but that's another story!) but it was loaded with senseless profanity! A good action movie doesn't need all that wasted, pointless, speech. America has definitely made her voice known on this issue. LOTR made loads and loads of money, and I don't recall any profanity in any of the three movies. Just look at 'The Passion of the Christ' right now. People are looking to clean up their act everywhere. I'm sure not everyone would agree, God Bless America, but I'm really glad Howard Stern is in the trouble he is in. I never listened to him on the radio, but from what I hear, I'm glad I never did. I'm not against freedom of speech, I'm not trying to make this a political thread, really, but Morality is starting to come back into the spotlight, thank God! Is there anyone of you talented programmers reading this thread that would be interested in making this a feature of BSplayer?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 20th March 2004
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haha, you americans allways give me a good laugh :lol:

Check out in the rating of the movies... whenever a movie is R in the US, many times it is rated 15+ in europe, or 14+ here in South America-
The, mostly, only place where the ratings go hand in hand with the Americans is in the asiatic-dictatorships.
But anyway, each country with its own culture, and I respect yours...
so little advice, if there's a good movie with lots of 'profanity' (generally comedies) but no sex or whatever scenes... you could get the movie dubbed in a foreign language, and use English subtitles... that way you're gonna help your children's reading skills (wich I'm sure may be part of the 20% of americans with functional illiteracy), and you're gonna be able to edit out the profanity from the subtitles in a few minutes-

But my modest advice to some of you, recheck or rethink your moral standards if you think that just some words like "sh1t" "bullsh1t" or "b1tch" are more dangerous to a child than watching a person getting a bullet on his head, or getting his head chopped off, or getting his wrist stabbed, or being tortured by many different techniques... because otherwise, you're a very sick person.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 22nd March 2004
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The whole concept of profanity is ridiculous. As if certain collections of phonemes can somehow be inherently profane. (My, how enlightened we are.) Just what makes "f_ck" so much worse than "phooey"?

As was said, if you want to avoid profanity, you'll ultimately need to find family-oriented films and avoid more mature-themed fare. Don't expect the industry to bend over backwards (e.g., releasing two versions of the same film--the original and a "clean" version) for something so asinine. (Of course, even Disney's animated family features are starting to include mild profanity.)

Anyone who feels that profanity is "wasted, pointless speech" misses the point. Movies are like that because, you know, that's how many people talk in the real world. And movies -- they're generally about how real people would act. Profanity can indeed be overdone in film (as it can be in real life), but on the whole, its inclusion is most apt. (The Lord of the Rings trilogy was fantasy. Profanity would have spoiled the surrealism. And Passion ... I mean, come on.)

movies that are filled with profanity are for a reason. Not to make characters more diverse etc. Becuase they WANT a specific rating. Who wants to see a G-rated horror film?
Think about this example. It's a horror film. Horror films, by definition, can be free of profanity and still earn an NC-17 rating. Why? But they're horror films. Like Strange said, something's very wrong when one is more concerned about specific words than about watching people being slaughtered in creative and massively bloody ways.

the G-rating implies that it is a kids movie and that adults will be bored out of their minds.
Wasn't Finding Nemo rated G, and wasn't a good time had by all?

it seems like it wouldn't be too difficult to simply mute the audio during the timeframe of the sentence with profanity. The span of time is already in the file that it needs to be muted, you could somehow feed the string into a variable, and search for keywords, and if the criteria is met, mute the volume, until the line goes away, and bring it back up. [...] Is there anyone of you talented programmers reading this thread that would be interested in making this a feature of BSplayer?
:shock: I'd love to see the programmers' reaction to that one. In truth -- and according to my severely limited programming experience -- this is doable. I'm just not sure that anybody would bother, frankly.

I'm not against freedom of speech
Just against the expression of such speech, it seems. Free speech is great as long as no one says what you don't like. I don't mean to offend, but that's what it sounds like over here. Sorry to be off-topic, but I just had to add a comment or two.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 23rd March 2004
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Some valid points... But hey come on, more than 20% of Americans can read, I can even write somewhat! I can only speak for myself, but I know plenty who share my opinion. I like action movies where stuff blows up, I have a killer home theater on my big screen in my den, and I have a really nice set of speakers on my computer too. There is already technology available, called "TV Guardian" that will do what I want it to, but I'm not aware of anything for the PC. Society as a whole is slowly going further and further down in the gutter. The real world people I associate with don't go around spitting foul language out constantly, not everyone's "doing it". I don't even consider being foul mouthed the norm. And while I agree the whole concept of this word being bad and this word not being bad is rather stupid, and I don't know who gets the decision of what is foul and what is not (The FCC it appears), but being foul mouthed is a sign of stupidity to me. It tells me you can think of any sophisticated to say, so you just spout profanity filling in all the gaps. Unfortunately, the action genre of movies I like so much is getting more and more unnecessarily profane, and I'd like an "out" without abandoning these movies all together. Is anyone interested in adding this feature to BSPlayer? Unfortunately for this instance, I am no programmer :(
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 24th March 2004
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Watch Jackie Chan movies, almost all of them have no nudity nor "foul" language, but they have LOTS of action and at the same time little graphic violence :D (only 2 or 3 I remember having "bad" words and little nudity, out of like 30 movies)

Anyway, in my opinion the use of 'bad' words is a matter of education and understanding them, watching adult language movies won't make you say more "bad" words. I am no religious nor moralist but I hardly ever say a 'bad' word, because I understand their meaning and I respect the person I am talking to...
anyway, even those 'bad' words have a correct use depending on the situation.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 13th April 2004
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In all the action movies Ive ever seen, at people get killed, anti-social behaviour is exhibited and laws are broken left right and centre.

Come on, the use of a couple of 4-letter words should appear fairly low down the list of moral outrages in an action movie!

I assume you and "the real world people [you] associate with" who dont appreciate profanity also dont go round blowing stuff up and breaking laws... So lets make BSPlayer automatically blank the screen while an explosion occurs or someone steals a car!
Then all our morals would be safe from modern society corruption :roll:
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 16th April 2004
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LMAO, now this thread just made my day!

How weird ideas can some people have?
"Uhm, yes, I'd like to see HackSexSlasher #13, but please censor all the killing, the sex, and the fucks, cause I don't want to hear those" :roll:

Also one thing I never understood. Why does 'shoot' less profane then 'shit'. You mean the same don't you? It's not like if you say 'shit' god's gonna come down and smack you in the head?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 17th May 2004
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firstly... i hated finding nemo.

secondly, people are so much more profane today than they used to be because it has become so culturally accepted. i mean look at the twilight zone. Every episode is really interesting and fun to watch, even though its in black and white and the special effects suck. They didnt have to be profane to make a good show.

nowdays they just throw in a boob and a potty-mouthed college pervert and call it self expression. i think if you are a good enough writer you dont have to cuss or have strippers to make a movie that people want to watch.

anyway i digress. my point is that people dont curse in movies for some 'artistic effect' or what not.

If you dont want to censor your movies then dont but i dont see why there shouldn't be an option
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 17th May 2004
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Originally Posted by neato713
i think if you are a good enough writer you dont have to cuss or have strippers to make a movie that people want to watch. [...] my point is that people dont curse in movies for some 'artistic effect' or what not.
1. People curse in the real world.
2. Movie dialogue (with obvious exceptions, like historical or fantasy films) generally tries to be representative of modern speech patterns for some semblance of realism.
3. Thus, movies will have some amount of cursing, see, if they want to accurately represent modern people.

Now, I'm not saying every movie should be full of profanity. And yes, it can be overdone or used to cover weak writing. But lumping all profanity or sexuality under the category of inappropriate sensationalism is unrealistic and terribly close-minded. Some people curse, others don't. So in movies, some people should curse, others shouldn't. Sometimes expletives do say it best.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 26th May 2014
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macphreak is on a distinguished road

A great new service is called VidAngel. It's like Netflix but for parents and people who want to decide what they want to watch. Great selection of movies too! Check it out:
Protect your kids from sex, swearing and violence in streaming movies. | VidAngel Parental Controls
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based, mute, profanity, subtitles

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