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Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions Post your suggestions and feature requests here, what would you like to use in BS.Player. Any feedback is appreciated and will be reviewed by our team.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 20th August 2004
Junior Member
BS.Player Newbie
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 2
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Kerr is an unknown quantity at this point
Default playlist blues

I LOVE BS player... I find the default skin a little bulky and unsuitable for people with small screens, but it's never hard to get skins. I'm not too fond of certain playlist aspects though.
Is it possible, in the next release to add maybe a few of these?
* things like filters to remove dead/missing/duplicate files, or even better; to remove those pesky half-downlaoded download28722424125241243.dat files you get when adding my shared folder to the playlist?
* the ability to remove/hide the side panel with aspect/pan-scan and file info? * Some sort of file manager/library pane,
* Some way for it to fit in with skins, ie font/background color changing with the titlle/playlist fonts and colors?
* Snap to edges of main window?
*more efficient resize.. at the moment to display the playist, you have to display it BIG, about thrice the size of winamps. When i display a playlist in any other media player, i basicaly have it to show what is on now, what is on next.
None playlist stuff:
*the ability to switch to view the slimline version of a skin without being in fullscreen mode - BS player is beautiful but most of the time i just have it over the title bar of my irc client, and every skin but blade seems to be too big to not get in the way of the menu :-/
* bug report
*minor bug, when resizing filename type and length in the playlist window, length seems to be a tab inside type not of it's own, so resizing it is.. weird
I'm just about done ranting.
Thanks for listenin'
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blues, playlist

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