I write to request that BSplayer be made more Screen Reader friendly at BSplayer has some very useful attributes and functions for use by Visually Impaired Computer Users.
As not everyone has the ability to access a professional screen reader, these points will help.
1. If all Menus have Tool tip Labling with the menu item function and Keyboard shortcut, this will enable a screen reader to pass on the menu item function to the user.
2. If as many menu buttons as is possible be shown on the programs normal interface and these have the tool tip descriptions, this would help heaps!
3. If seperate windows such as the play list box and bookmark interface have menu control buttons with tool tips, this would also healp a lot.
4. Keyboard shortcut keys permanently assigned to functions which are listed in a help file would be most helpful.
Thankyou for considering these changes to BSplayer as they could help many Visually Impaired users all over the world.