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Old 25th February 2009
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InTheater is on a distinguished road
Question Homography posibilities ?? for perfect calibration on projectors

Hello everyone

not sure that is a new feature what I am asking for, and I mean that, with the already video posibilities, probably it is possible to do it, but not sure how then

the thing is, and as a video will show it ten times better that a thousand words :: Automatic projector calibration - Hack a Day
(of course, if, instead of a external hardware, the four corners could be set by four clicks, that would be enough good and even better)

the purpose of that would be to calibrate projectors to projection canvas without having to spend a while zooming, unzooming, moving the canvas, up, down the projector, etc....

ideally, with the projector illuminating the whole projection canvas, no care for how much is out and/or if it is perfectly straight, start BSplayer with the movie to see, hot-key "any free hot-key", the four clicks, and movie adapted perfectly for the canvas,

doesn't sound great ??

I can almost see it
1st click or short-cut key - shows a small and nice icon appear in the centre of the screen with four dots, one for each corner
2nd click - drag the first red dot into the corner of your canvas
3rd click - drag the second
4th click - the third ...
5th clikc - and the forth, once drop the last dot, the center icon display a "GO"
6th click - "GO", and it goes, change the projector output to the exact size of the projection canvas

That's seems basically perfect idea if possible

thanks in advance, and let me congratulate anyhow for the good player BSplayer is already
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calibration, homography, perfect, posibilities, projector, projectors

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