17th April 2003
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Desktop on Monitor + Video on TV
Hi @ll,
on my ATI, I put the monitor as primary display and TV as clone/Theater to get the desktop on monitor with video at the same time on TV.
This works for some movies, but it's not adequate for others : ATI Theater Mode is a special mode which doesn't permit Custom Pan & Scan, ...
Has someone found how to put video on secondary display in extended mode with full functionalities of BSP ?
Furthermore, I've read in ZP forums : Your display hard is incapable of displaying an Overlay Surface on the second display device (TV/Monitor). There are two ways you can deal with this. Either expand the monitor area to cover the TV or enable Extended VMR9 Mode under "Options / Manual Filters".
Is it right ? (in first tries I get black screens in extended mode, and I don't know what is VMR9 mode ...)
Any detail will be appreciated. I never found out how to do that :-/