29th June 2003
Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Jun 2002 Location: Greece
Posts: 115
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Unofficial "beta" version of BSplayer's FAQ
Ok. BSplayer's FAQ isn't ready yet but I'm releasing whatever I've done until now for two reasons:
1) The forum has become a mess. :( It should have been properly organised in order to help unexperienced users to solve quickly their problems but I think that the reality is far away from this. BST should have entrusted at least two moderators. I can be one of them!
2) BSplayer is a very good video player and I want to help BST to continue updating it. :D
So, you can download the Faq by clicking here.
To navigate into the Faq with easiness, here is a tip: use ctrl+f and use the search function! 8)