2nd January 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jan 2004
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Embed bsplayer
Hi, i am developing an video app (in visual basic.net) with the activex from Real and Quicktime, i would like to know if i have any way to do the same with Bsplayer, i thinked that bsplayer was opensource but i have seen that it isn´t, i have found an directory named sdk in the bsplayer but i don´t know if i can use it to my VisualBasic App. I am very insterested in do that because the fast forward from Bsplayer has made an impression to me, i am doing a loop with the timeline and play and stop in quicktime to do that now but the result is very choppy compared to bsplayer fast motion. I am opening quicktime from rtsp now but it is in lan so i have´nt any problem to share it directly to bsplayer. Thanks and sorry for my poor english :).