25th March 2004
 | Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Jun 2002 Location: France
Posts: 218
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Originally Posted by adicoto VobSub is not requiered for BSPlayer. | Yes, vobsub is needed to watch vob subtitles (.idx+.sub). BSplayer only support textual subtitles.
To squall Your problem is odd, it should work the same with all players. And, if any, remove dvobsub.ax or vosub.dll that you may have put in your bsplayer plugins directory, it may cnflicts with the registered one. Try to uninstall and re-install Vobsub. But be aware that, vobsub 2.23 is now outdated. Gabest replaced it with VSFilter.ax (now v2.33), that you will find on his SourceForge project. It works the same but you have to put it (preferably) in your \system32 directory (or \system under Win9X) and register it manually as every DS filter, with commande line Code: regsvr32 VSFilter.ax |