2nd June 2004
 | Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 4
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Get this fix for disable the history !
I have "make a fix" for disable the history
and the last playlist opened when you start
BSPlayer and you press Play button.
Get it there
Tested on MS Windows XP SP1 with no problems,
post your suggestions ! Quote:
It make a empty "bsplist.bsl" file, wich it isn't modifiable,
so the history and the playlsit are always blank.
BSPlayer doesn't remember the last location when
you open a file (for me it open always C:\ ).
But when you watch a movie with 2 files, the playlist function. | Quote:
Unzip in your BSPlayer's install folder
(i.e : "C:\Program Files\Webtech\BSPlayer") | Quote:
Delete this file in BSPlayer's folder : "bsplist.bsl" | Sorry for my manguage, I'm french.
It's 1h A.M. so I go to sleep now !
Good Bye !