20th November 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Sep 2004 Location: louisiana
Posts: 5
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first what type of tv, wide or standard
second what video card
if u are using ati or nvidia i can help you with the output settings that will format the view to the movies view for example: i have a movie in widescreen, i have an ati card,my output tv is standard, i right-click on desktop -> click properties ->click settings ->click advanced ->click overlay -> click theatre mode options -> click(select) theater Mode ->click(select) same as source video ->click(select) 4:3 for standard or 16:9 for wide
->this setting is automatic(note if tv is connected while gaming, output will be used as well)meaning if u open a wide screen movie the tv will show it widescreen
->for bsplayer's preference settings click on video -> click rendering and check either overlay mode 1 or 2, as far as i kno 2 is good for ati, dont kno about nvidia tho, might be the same
->if your using neither, your most likely just screwed on this issue, in wich case i feel sorry for you, cuz u just read through something completely useless to you