20th October 2005
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Oct 2005
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Japanese subtitles problem!!
BSPlayer version 1.36 version 825
I have a japaese movie and srt subtitles for it also in japanese. The subttiles load and are displayed, however each individual character is rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise. This might be fine if each character was placed underneath the previous one but they are still shown horizontally. Hope that makes sense. The font is @Arial unicode and script is Japanese(installed thorugh win/contol panel/languages). Also tried @MS Gothic with Japanese script to same effect.
Btw the characters in the srt file are normally placed and the lines horizontal left to right. Converting the srt to sub 2.0 with SubtitleWorkshop did not work either.
If anybody can give me any insight into how I would fix this I would be very gratefull.
I've attached the srt file if anybody is willing to take a look.
Than You