- If you add same files, from same location to a file list, where that files alerady exists, it should not be doubled
- In "Media Libary" in section of "Media", when you addmedia files (let take VIDEO), it will be nice to have one colum, that says in what folder is every media file
- In manualy generated playlists you can not add folder of a media files (Media Libary), in Playlist "PL" you can add files, but they will not stay in list when i close and open BSplayer again
- A movie with "Windows Media Video V8" codec BSPlayer will not play, picture is not watchable
- Import filelist from file do not work
- In a "Playlist" window add a Search space, to search a file, like in "Media Libary"
- When you capture images from a movie, add a option, that you can capture full size of a movie than yust a size of movie
- Add a option, that i drag folder or a files in to the playlist to add
That is for now, if i will se somethin i will tel.
Good bye, Allesandro. :P