21st November 2008
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Nov 2008
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HELP, picture issue..
I currently am using BS Player version 2.32 Build 975 using ffd show and Haali media splitter as my main codecs. My rig is Quad Core Phenom 9550 with 4GB and HD Radeon 4850 running Vista Ultimate SP1 connected to a 47" LCD 1080p screen. Do not have any problems running my movies since using BS Player and I do use Media Player Classic also.
The problem I am having is after I installed version 2.33 the picture is not as vivid anymore. When starting a movie the background is typcially black but instantly changes to a greyish tint .5 sec after screen opens and this is during the entire duration of movies I am playing. Basically the picture is not as vivid as it used to be and the quality is there but toned down due to this.
Now I uninstalled my BS Player ver 2.33 and went back to ver 2.32 thinking this would fix the problem but that was not the case. I did check within video options but nothing there I could use to resolve the problem. My friend had a similar problem using MPC and he was able to fix this problem my going to Haali's Video Render Properties in Filters and there is an option to change there under Luma Range from PC to TV. I would have to think someone encountered this problem, looking forward to the input - THANKS...