3rd May 2019
Banned BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Apr 2019 Location: USA Age: 35
Posts: 2
Rep Power: 0 | |
Use the BS.Player with Sopcast
1 Create a new plain text file using a text editor and copy the contents of "#Basic playercorefactory.xml file" to it.
2 Go to the section of the file that says EDIT THIS SECTION and replace all the instances of CHOOSE PLAYER NAME HERE with the external player name that you would like to use (exact name defined where it says "player name=" in the list of players).
3 optional
You might want to use only some external players for some files/streams, or even use more than one external player, depending on the file type and stream. In most cases you will likely just want to use one external player.
4 optional
Use dvdplayer for any file type/stream type where you want to use Kodi's default internal player.
5 Save this file as playercorefactory.xml in your userdata folder and reboot Kodi if it is still open. You should now be done. |