Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
3rd January 2007
Replies: 64
Views: 603,834 Lol, I guess the internet translates bad into...
Lol, I guess the internet translates bad into Romanian. Ogg is not an audio compression format. Vorbis is the audio compression format, Ogg is ONLY the container. You can find volumes of information...
Forum: General Talk And Support
10th December 2006
Replies: 8
Views: 8,521 I have the exact same problem
I have the exact same problem. I can't use keyboard (arrows just do rewind, volume,...) and the mouse doesn't help either.
It's impossible in that case to even play a movie...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
23rd October 2006
Replies: 64
Views: 603,834 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
18th July 2006
Replies: 25
Views: 14,942 Yes I reacted a certain way especially after...
Yes I reacted a certain way especially after everyone did everything in their power to not confirm there was a bug. I understand quite well you may have said "look at the equalizer settings, look at...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
16th July 2006
Replies: 25
Views: 14,942 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
15th July 2006
Replies: 25
Views: 14,942 Not going to re-install BSP to look at the...
Not going to re-install BSP to look at the equalizer settings right now, but I'll just quote myself again.
When I was testing it, as soon as I installed 2.00 b937 all audio was back....
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
14th July 2006
Replies: 25
Views: 14,942 Ahh sorry, I read this subforum as "Bug Report"...
Ahh sorry, I read this subforum as "Bug Report" where bugs in the player are attempted to be reported by users. Not "Technical Playback Issues" which need to be solved because some user unfortunately...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
14th July 2006
Replies: 25
Views: 14,942 Since obviously Maceart isn't being taken...
Since obviously Maceart isn't being taken seriously, I'll just say I can confirm the issue he has.
The audio bug is independent of the container, audio format, how many channels the stream has, or...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
12th July 2006
Replies: 21
Views: 21,268 |
Forum: Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions
9th July 2006
Replies: 44
Views: 94,564 Full DirectShow support so filters like Haali's...
Full DirectShow support so filters like Haali's Media Splitter ( and VSFilter ( can be used,...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
6th July 2006
Replies: 21
Views: 21,268 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
1st July 2006
Replies: 21
Views: 21,268 I'm going to say this as simple as possible.
I'm going to say this as simple as possible.
BSPlayer will _CRASH_ if you try to _DISABLE SUBTITLES_ in _BSPLAYER_ with a file that has _VOBSUBS_. Forget I ever mentioned VSFilter at all. Forget...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
24th June 2006
Replies: 21
Views: 21,268 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
23rd June 2006
Replies: 21
Views: 21,268 |
Forum: General Talk And Support
15th June 2006
Replies: 3
Views: 4,662 |
Forum: General Talk And Support
15th June 2006
Replies: 3
Views: 4,662 fullscreen
i have a TV as my 2nd moniter via s-video
when watching something that was in 16:9 i used to be able to drag the window over and hit full screen and that would be that. perfect!
but now the...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
9th June 2006
Replies: 21
Views: 21,268 |
Forum: General Talk And Support
8th June 2006
Replies: 5
Views: 8,449 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
2nd June 2006
Replies: 21
Views: 21,268 |
Forum: General Talk And Support
30th May 2006
Replies: 7
Views: 16,310 Re: UnInstall BS player
i just download the latest version and after installing i found that i was unable to run bsplayer due to this adware, i dont have intenet access so i use my mate collage account to write this up. so...
Forum: General Talk And Support
27th May 2006
Replies: 5
Views: 8,449 |
Forum: General Talk And Support
27th May 2006
Replies: 3
Views: 4,003 |
Forum: General Talk And Support
21st May 2006
Replies: 3
Views: 4,003 Recomendation
Why in the next vertion bsplayer can play videos online? i like this idea :)
Forum: General Talk And Support
22nd April 2006
Replies: 0
Views: 4,366 Small cuts on ovelay mode
When i'm wathing a movie with the overlay option turned through my TV i see small cuts and twists every time there's a quick movment on the screen. with the overlay turned off (and the TV set to...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
20th April 2006
Replies: 4
Views: 4,890 You have to turn on both "Enable advanced graph...
You have to turn on both "Enable advanced graph building", and "Allow intermediate filters." And you likely want to disable subtitles in BSP too, but do not disable VobSubs. If the file actually has...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
31st March 2006
Replies: 10
Views: 17,105 Further update, it seems that perhaps the...
Further update, it seems that perhaps the presence of VSFilter in the graph is not really what is causing the crashes. Just that BSP is unable to turn off it's VobSubs feature in a file with VobSubs....
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
28th March 2006
Replies: 10
Views: 17,105 I made a quick movie with vmware of an...
I made a quick movie with vmware of an essentially blank WinXP Guest OS. Nothing installed on it except for the basic windows updates, firefox, and an archiving utility.
I download everything...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
28th March 2006
Replies: 10
Views: 17,105 This is still a problem with version
This is still a problem with version Perhaps no one believes that BSP is broken when you try to play an MKV with vobsubs, or you just don't want to fix it. But no one has said anything so...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
1st March 2006
Replies: 10
Views: 17,105 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
23rd February 2006
Replies: 10
Views: 17,105 Yes, as I mentioned it will work with BSP's...
Yes, as I mentioned it will work with BSP's subtitle renderer. It will cause that error report to come up when playing the file only with VSFilter. However if you click Continue, you can still play...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
18th February 2006
Replies: 10
Views: 17,105 Bleh, well I see the problem was still not...
Bleh, well I see the problem was still not addressed in build 829. Actually while writing this post I was making a Matroska sample file in case you needed one to verify the problem. I found that I...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
14th February 2006
Replies: 10
Views: 17,105 Final Issue with BSP and Haali Media Splitter
I have been following BSP's reports of being "more compliant" with the Haali Media Splitter over the last few builds. I am glad to say that it almost finally works completely.
However there is...
Forum: General Talk And Support
28th October 2005
Replies: 0
Views: 3,364 A couple of small problems
Hi there. I'm a newbie.
I've used WinAmp for years, but after trying BSplayer for a few days, I decided to switch to that. Now, after making BSplayer my priority player, I've noticed few small...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
19th March 2004
Replies: 8
Views: 4,121 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
11th March 2004
Replies: 8
Views: 4,121 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
11th March 2004
Replies: 8
Views: 4,121 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
11th March 2004
Replies: 8
Views: 4,121 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
11th March 2004
Replies: 8
Views: 4,121 |
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
11th March 2004
Replies: 8
Views: 4,121 I have a problem to use font with sub-title !
Hello !
I have a problem to use font with sub-title !
I wanna use a font witch is not in the system !
Is it possible to use a font witch is on the cd but not in the system
Sorry for my...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs
22nd November 2003
Replies: 1
Views: 7,082 Can't open file from VCD (.dat)
Open file video (.dat) in VCD. BSplayer show error "Can't open file." and try open by Media player found same error as BSPlayer. I think VCD format don't support by Media Player and BSPlayer. How I...