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opensubtitles 9th August 2010 04:31 PM

[] report problems here
Hi everybody,

webmaster of writing. If you have any questions concerning our service in BS.Player, just ask here, or PM me, I am willing to help.

I am sorry for being offline sometimes, also now, load to API servers are just huge, we are in progress of upgrading servers, so in future, you will don't have to wait so long time to deliver subtitles to your screen. But everything costs money...

When I am looking to stats, BS.Player is the most popular client on, in peak times, we got more than 4000 BS.Players users online.

Enjoy our free service.

P.S.: We are on twitter, so follow us, when you want to be informed, what is happening right now.

Ico-man 12th November 2010 11:26 AM

Can you check this:

fuyaka 21st February 2012 12:19 PM

I cant upload via bsplayer, I used to can but now it says errror occured while sending
(see this post)

opensubtitles 22nd February 2012 04:21 PM

without debug log I can not help.

fuyaka 22nd February 2012 05:27 PM

Where can I find debug file?

Ico-man 23rd February 2012 10:16 AM

The reason could be a temporary unavailability of the server. Does this still happen?

Paul_Naegels 7th December 2016 11:00 AM

Hello there

Having problems lately with downloading subs from opensubtitles with BS player. Any news?


opensubtitles 7th December 2016 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Paul_Naegels (Beitrag 84887)
Hello there

Having problems lately with downloading subs from opensubtitles with BS player. Any news?


always check Subtitles - download movie and TV Series subtitles from the biggest open subtitles database if it is working. If not, it is not working also in BSPlayer (Simply stated). We have been doing in this time some database changes, so site was down for a while. now is back

Sageadvisor 8th January 2017 04:04 PM

The last 2 days when starting a video in bsplayer I get the message Error when bsp does it's search for subs.

Is there a problem with the site?


opensubtitles 9th January 2017 09:47 AM

always try:

if you get answer, then it is working

Also, recently we got some problem with server, working on fix, so sometimes it is down.

Henkie 28th December 2018 11:38 AM

BS player uses 3 search sites for subtitles. My selected language is Dutch. The last few weeks I got the messages from those 3 sites: no subtitles found. When I go to, which is one of the subtitle search sites BS is using, and I type in the movie title I get a lot of subtitles (Dutch) for that movie. Why is the automatic subtitle search not working and what can I do to fix this? I didn't change anything in the Menu/Options/Preference.

opensubtitles 1st January 2019 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Henkie (Beitrag 86516)
BS player uses 3 search sites for subtitles. My selected language is Dutch. The last few weeks I got the messages from those 3 sites: no subtitles found. When I go to, which is one of the subtitle search sites BS is using, and I type in the movie title I get a lot of subtitles (Dutch) for that movie. Why is the automatic subtitle search not working and what can I do to fix this? I didn't change anything in the Menu/Options/Preference.

please check how subtitles search work, specially moviehash feature. Read here more

TheLoneBaker 21st February 2020 05:24 AM

I’ve been using bs player for awhile now I have noticed that when I do a subtitle search it will only search two of the three sources.

It will say checking for subtitles on all three sites and then two of the three pop up with results.

When it comes to opensubtitles it always says error

I’ve tried to figure out why but can’t see any problems on my end. My setting and preferences are fine and I see the website itself is active... but still I get an error message for opensubtitles.

It’s been doing this for months now and probably longer than that.

lezero gan 21st February 2020 02:42 PM

I have the same error for 3 weeks now.
It worked fine for years before that.
I have PC with the latest versions of home windows 10 and BsPlayer.

When searching for subtitles, getsubtitle and bsplayer-subtitles are working OK, but I get "error ".

Browsing Manually is OK. Also, works fine with VLC player. So something happened to BsPlayer or to its protocol with OpenSubtitles.

opensubtitles 23rd February 2020 08:37 AM

the SSL certificate expired and just for this reason have to renew it, Cloudflare doesnt support 2nd TLD SSL certificates... doesnt load properly, thats why you can not get it working

miguelito 23rd February 2020 12:26 PM

This is still not working. What do you have to do to get it working??

opensubtitles 24th February 2020 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by miguelito (Beitrag 87783)
This is still not working. What do you have to do to get it working??

we are working on fix, right now we have to change CAA zone for domain, I guess it will work in 2 days

Ico-man 24th February 2020 10:36 AM

TLS is not the issue here, we are working on a fix, should be implemented today.

TheLoneBaker 2nd March 2020 03:51 AM

Whatever was done fixed the problem for only a couple days. It now says error once again.

keanna 3rd March 2020 01:40 AM

Still getting "error " for new subtitles (search works just fine for old releases). Also, I can find them manually on, only automatic download doesn’t work.

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