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Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions Post your suggestions and feature requests here, what would you like to use in BS.Player. Any feedback is appreciated and will be reviewed by our team.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 17th January 2010
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Question Time tracking of LONG audio files

I listen to audio books a lot and it is very annoying that time scale BSPlayer shows is only up to hours, i.e. hh:mm:ss. The audio books are usually longer than one day and, as a result, the correct timing of the audio then needs to include the days. Either as in days as such or in hours but in a wider (hhh for example) format. Is the BSPlayer development team planning this kind of substantial upgrade?
The progress bar suffers from the same deficiency, although only on the "progress showing" capacity. When using it as a control to SET the starting point of playback, it correctly chooses this as a ratio. So it is merely the role of the progress bar as an indicator, which calls for an update.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 17th January 2010
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I would support the displaying of hours in upto three digits, which I think doesn't seem to difficult a feature to realize for an experienced development team like BS.Player's.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say with respect to the progess bar, also as the appearance of the progress bas is entirely depending on which skin you're using (and even if it maybe concerns full screen skin or not).
E.g. if you're looking for a wider progress bar, there are more to be found on BS.Player's Skin pages (click here), which hold a really abundant number of skins!
(And you could even design your own custom-skin!)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 17th January 2010
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Default Regarding the progress bar

Hi BSPeter,

thank you for your support. What I meant by the progress bar issue is the following:

Suppose I have a long audio, which corresponds to 29 hours of playback exactly. What I see as the length of track is, I think, 05 hours (29 modulo 24). The progress bar as an indicator is also set up so that it starts at zero and *completely fills up* after 5 hours, not 29 hours. So after those 5 hours the playback continues (!), but progress bar is fill and not changing and the time tracking info will show 05:00:00/05:00:00. This tells us that an update will need to include not only a correction of the textual information (05:00:00 -> 029:00:00 for example), but also set the progress bar range to the real track length.

The other thing I wrote about the progress bar as a *control* concerns the situation, when I manually move the slider to a customary start position. This function only (!) works as if the progress bar corresponds to the FULL length of track, so that the entire track is accessible to this manual slider positioning, from 0 to 100% of the real track length. Needless to say, though, that when I position the slider to 50% of my 29 hour track, the textual information on time-in-track is 02:30:00/05:00:00.

As far as the solution paths go, I would prefer displaying the number of days, so to change the textual info format to dd:hh:mm:ss, but I will easily accept a wide-hour format like hhh:mm:ss as well. The latter has a theoretical limit of 1000 hours = 41 days 16 hours, and that is far enough for any conceivable audiobook I am ever likely to possess.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 20th January 2010
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Can you give us a sample?
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audio, display, files, long, time, tracking

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