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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 18th April 2006
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Default Which is better DIVX or XviD when playing .avi file?

This is not a question if which is better among the two (2) codec pls. refer below. thanks

I've been wondering since any of them can play .avi that are assosciated with them, wouldn't it be better if you just choose either one of them?

But then, basing from your experience if the video is encoded with XviD did it look better when playing with XviD as the chosen codec and same with DIVX vice versa?.. Because in my experience between that two most popular codecs when playing .avi files i don't see any difference in quality at all? Or it's just me?...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 18th April 2006
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I don't think you will get one and the same answer from users. It may also be a matter of personal preference. I personally still use DivX5.2.1-codec (also to decode XviD encoded movies) though I've also installed XviD-codec (for test purposes). Further I've also installed ffdshow-filter on slower systems. Users like adicoto and Tizio will probably advise for either or both codecs, whereas J7N will, no doubt, advise ffdshow-filter.

P.S.: The most important thing is that it works! (and that you don't install to many codecs!)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 18th April 2006
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:) Since Peter mentioned my name, I can't help. :)

So, if you want to play any file on a relatively slow computer, use FFDshow to decode (J7N will also recomend it) or XviD, with no post processing activated. Poor quality, but the files are running.

If you play DivX files using XviD decoder and vice-versa, if you want my opinion, haven't seen any difference. Just that DivX interface is more complex and let you alter some post processing options. In my case, brightness/contrast is the most important. Some builds of XviD didn't have this option, so I prefered DivX. But now I use DivX 5.xx to decode DivX 4 and newer, XviD to decode XviD encoded files and DivX 3.11 to decode older files.
So, try to use DivX as decoder and XviD as encoder.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 18th April 2006
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Cool so I guess it won't matter if you install one or the other or even both of them. Quality and performance wise they are both good and the same. And i personally have both of them now. :P
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 18th April 2006
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I quote the both of them :)

I haven't seen any difference in quality when decoding DivX files with XviD codec and vice versa.

As adicoto does, I use DivX 5.2.1 to decode DivX 4 and newer, XviD to decode XviD encoded files and DivX 3.11 to decode older files.

My PC specs are really low for nowadays standards, but I can decode all movie files without problems with BSplayer and those codecs.
I used to use ffdshow, but since they put those systray icons I noticed a little loss of performance and stopped using them.. (probably I was wrong, but now I feel good with only DivX and XviD codecs :P )
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 19th April 2006
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Yes, I would suggest ffdshow. It's H264 decoder output has better compatibility than CoreAVC, the filter has a MPEG Layer-2 decoder (M$ internal decoder won't connect to all sources), and the only WMA decoder I know of. So if you use the same filter for XviD(DivX) decoding there will be one filter less on your system.

with no post processing activated. Poor quality, but the files are running.
No processing can put quality where there was none. You can't expect high quality from 1 MBit/s MPEG-4 ASP. I remember Creative promised to make compressed audio sound better than the original it was created from... :lol:

I used to use ffdshow, but since they put those systray icons I noticed a little loss of performance
Tray icons? What tray icons? I used an old year 2004 build until recently I needed proper H264 support. I installed one of the newer versions and noticed no tray icons or options to turn on any.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 19th April 2006
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Originally Posted by J7N
Yes, I would suggest ffdshow. It's H264 decoder output has better compatibility than CoreAVC, the filter has a MPEG Layer-2 decoder (M$ internal decoder won't connect to all sources), and the only WMA decoder I know of. So if you use the same filter for XviD(DivX) decoding there will be one filter less on your system.
Hi there pal, your post regarding ffdshow is quite interesting to me because you've mentioned that it can decode WMA, and for a long time i've never played a single .WMA file before so Iam very much interested with this now.

However, if I have Xvid and DivX now wouldn't it cause some conflict if I add ffdshow as my 3rd decoder in which i'll be using it solely for WMA file decoding?.. Or I do need to uninstall either DivX or Xvid to prevent future conflicts from occuring? On the otherhand, is there a way where I can disable all decoding properties which belongs to DivX and XviD and then make ffdshow as purely WMA decoder?.. Is this possible and or a bad idea? Thanks
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 19th April 2006
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If you have WinXP, or WMP9 installed on your system, than you can play WMA with no problem.
Either DivX \ XviD either FFdshow. Don't need both.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 19th April 2006
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You don't need both, but if you want, you can play with BSplayer's "Filter management" settings to give much priority to filters to decode specific media files
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 19th April 2006
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If you decrease the merits of unneeded filters, it is unlikely they will get loaded. But why to keep those libraries in your system if you don't use them? Ffdshow is a DirectShow interface to the free audio/video processing library "libavcodec", which can decode many formats. It is not a good idea to install it for just one format. I would suggest you to try ffdshow as your primary decoder and then add alternate ones if ffdshow won't satisfy you either with performance, number of features, stability or quality.

Originally Posted by adicoto
If you have WinXP, or WMP9 installed on your system, than you can play WMA with no problem.
This is the problem, because WMP is not a decoder, an encoder, or a codec of any standard. What you said in fact is very much like "go on and install ACE Megapack and you'll be able to play your file" (without bothering to ask details about this media file). That is why I said ffdshow is the only decoder I know. Ffdshow can decode most wma (either single stream ASF or WMA audio in a video file). What it can't do (AFAIK) is demux Advanced Streaming Format or in any way force the system to bypass DRM protection.

Libavcodec's purpose is to decode audio, the goal of Microsoft, however, is to earn money by protecting. See the difference? If you don't like ffdshow you can uninstall it – the thing you can't do with Windows Media Player. As I wrote before, the installation of newest WMP on one of my computers disabled the playback of unprotected WMA returning a license-related error.

Can you tell the error message you get if you try to play these [censored] WMAs? I can upload an unprotected WMA (file removed) to you. If you can play this file, ffdshow will not help you. I've heard that Foobar2000 developers are implementing a WMA decoder, which I hope won't be bitching about licenses and stuff, but it is still not possible for it to ignore DRM.

A bit of offtopic

Many ppl would disagree but the best thing to do is avoid Windows Media Audio at all costs. There are completely free solutions for every multimedia need you can imagine, either lossy or lossless, low or high bandwidth, low or high complexity, container formats optimizer either for storage or streaming. Protected AAC, WM/ASF, Real cannot provide anything better than the currently available free codecs. Even if the required bitrates were really a bit smaller, is it worth the trouble with DRM, patents and licenses?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 19th April 2006
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Many windows users (the large majority) don't bother to search for an alternative to windows movie maker or WMP to encode files. So we do end up with many WMV and WMA files.

When you install XP SP2 or WMP 9 and above, you do get the codecs with it. So, the file is playing fine in here:
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File Type: png wma_test_559.png (14.0 KB, 6620 views)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 20th April 2006
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Guys going back to ffdshow, I've tested it to my PC and played to to caious media players. It seems to work fine with my system. Though, in media player classic it cannot decode AC3 files. But to my personal favorite BSplayer and VLC its actually workin perfectly.

I've also tried to uninstall Xvid/Divx and AC3 Filter making ffdshow as the sole decoder to all of my video and audio files. Video quality is the same with xvid/divx however the audio quality is not as good as AC3. 1st problem is, it isn't compatible with media player classic with regards to playing dolby digital AC3 files but it could play sound no problem (it just can't detect its dolby digital encoded audio) thus, you still need to install AC3Filter for this player. It won't matter and I wouldn't use media player classic if BSplayer could only play .OGM files and VLC is very choppy when playing .OGM files. Furthermore, VLC don't have support for dolby digital audio yet. So I will be deprived to watch my favorite korean films since my source to it were mostly .OGM files.

In the end, I ended up uninstalling ffdshow and reinstalling back AC3Filter because of the single compatibility issue with media player classic. After restarting, I tested playing all my movie files without xvid or divx codec and I was surprised to see "all of my xvid and divx video files were running just fine and normal with all the media players I have." Why is this happening guys? Weird, and as a result I didn't reinstall back XviD nor DivX cause it won't matter anymore, all is playing well. What could be the explanation with this? I clearly uninstall the three (3) codecs Xvid,Divx and ffdshow and restarted my machine. Why are all my video files still running fine and normal? I got hundreds of video files no error so far?..
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 20th April 2006
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It happens. Check which codecs/filters BSPlayer really uses for playback.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 20th April 2006
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It uses the avi splitter, quartz.dll. From SP2 (or WMP10) up, it is capable to render MPEG4 files.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 20th April 2006
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Originally Posted by sleeplessrevolution
Though, in media player classic it cannot decode AC3 files.
Didn't MPC include its own internal filters, also for AC3?

however the audio quality is not as good as AC3
AC3Filter has advanced normalization functions. They are important because most AC-3 are mastered with low volume and/or very high dynamic range. I am not using ffdshow/liba52 for AC-3 decoding myself.

if BSplayer could only play .OGM files and VLC is very choppy when playing .OGM files.
What about OggDS filter to demux Ogg container? Doesn't it work on your system?

VLC don't have support for dolby digital audio yet.
Dolby Digital means the same as AC-3...

I ended up uninstalling ffdshow [..] without xvid or divx codec and I was surprised to see "all of my xvid and divx video files were running just fine
Any MPEG-4 capable VFW codecs such as older XviD left installed maybe? You can use TaskInfo to see what modules are loaded.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 21st April 2006
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Originally Posted by adicoto
It uses the avi splitter, quartz.dll. From SP2 (or WMP10) up, it is capable to render MPEG4 files.

Yes adicoto you are very right; and thanks to BS peter I have able to follow the direction which allowed me to view what codec is indeed running in my system, and it appears to be that avi splitter, quartz.dll indeed. Very nice answer thanks guys!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 21st April 2006
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Originally Posted by J7N
Originally Posted by sleeplessrevolution
Though, in media player classic it cannot decode AC3 files.
Didn't MPC include its own internal filters, also for AC3?

I'm not sure if AC3 is included but doesn't show or maybe its not in default configuration but clearly when AC3Filter is installed it works but if its ffdshow AC3 won't definitely work. So i have to install both of them which I don't like the idea. Btw, I have MPC the latest one.

however the audio quality is not as good as AC3
AC3Filter has advanced normalization functions. They are important because most AC-3 are mastered with low volume and/or very high dynamic range. I am not using ffdshow/liba52 for AC-3 decoding myself.

Yes truly. :)

if BSplayer could only play .OGM files and VLC is very choppy when playing .OGM files.
What about OggDS filter to demux Ogg container? Doesn't it work on your system?

Iam honestly very confused with this ogg thing. It has ogg vorbis,ogm and now OggDS?.. Iam not sure what to do with this and which really is the important part to install sorry. And what do you mean by DEMUX and how to do that? Furthermore, what will happen if I do demux it? Sorry im not very good with some programmers term?

VLC don't have support for dolby digital audio yet.
Dolby Digital means the same as AC-3...

Yeah i also mean AC-3. In my VLC 0.8.4a it cannot support it properly it either produces choppy video playback, a very odd sound or no sound at all. But when i tried to use analog connection, sound and video playback is back to normal again.

I ended up uninstalling ffdshow [..] without xvid or divx codec and I was surprised to see "all of my xvid and divx video files were running just fine
Any MPEG-4 capable VFW codecs such as older XviD left installed maybe? You can use TaskInfo to see what modules are loaded.
No I've already uninstalled the (3) three main codecs xvid,divx and ffdshow as i mentioned earlier. adicato is correct by the way, Iam using the avi splitter and quartz.dll that came with my MP10 or SP2 still supports MPEG-4 files, so eventhough I don't have the three codecs in my system my avi file would still run when played.

Very nice feedback from you pal. Thanks :D
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 21st April 2006
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Regarding my .OGM problem with BSplayer awhile ago. I have followed J7N post to install oggds filter and now I have able to watch my .OGM korean titles. Thank you pal for your handy advise!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 21st April 2006
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Originally Posted by sleeplessrevolution
Iam honestly very confused with this ogg thing. It has ogg vorbis,ogm and now OggDS?.. Iam not sure what to do with this and which really is the important part to install sorry. And what do you mean by DEMUX and how to do that? Furthermore, what will happen if I do demux it?
Ogg is a free multimedia container, optimized for streaming. It can contain one or more streams, such as audio, video and subtitles. To watch an Ogg file you must properly split (demux, demultiplex) it into these elementary streams in realtime. Vorbis is an example of audio format usually contained within Ogg container.

Iam using the avi splitter and quartz.dll that came with my MP10 or SP2 still supports MPEG-4 files, so eventhough I don't have the three codecs in my system my avi file would still run when played.
A splitter is supposed to split, not decode video. BTW, if you unregister all mp3 filters, such as, MPEG Layer-3 will still be playable if you have an *.acm decoder installed. The ACM decoder won't show up as a filter, as well as VFW decoders. Adicoto, can you pls explain this further to me?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 21st April 2006
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Originally Posted by J7N
... A splitter is supposed to split, not decode video. ....
I think avi splitter is indeed just doing what it is supposed to do and quartz.dll is taking care of the further handling, but I think adicoto is indeed much more qualified to respond to this.
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