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Old 14th September 2004
MRAc MRAc is offline
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Location: Saint Petersburg \ Syktyvkar, Russia
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BSPlayer 1.02 - is really GREAT! :)
Big Thanks for this build - all critical bugs are fixed :) I'm really happy!

And found 2 little bugs.
1) When enablig tuner in BSPlayer, sound appears in 5-6 seconds later. When I opening "Capture configuration" - sound desappeares in 5-6 sec again. TV Tuner Configuration has option Video standart, but it locked in PAL-D, so I have only Black&White picture. If I choosing in Country section "Russia, SECAM-D (7)" - picture become color. But when I click OK, and in next window also OK - it became B&W again.
Maybe it is bugs of WDM-Driver of my tuner (FlyPrime34FM on Philips 7134 decoder, LifeView Driver[old, but very stable]), I don't know...

2) After watching tuner, if I click "Open" and choose any video file - its not playing. I must choose "Close file" first, and then "Open"

Oh, found another bug :\ In "Sony"-skin (my favourite) not working Full-screen skin :( It appeared only if I choosing another skin, and then "Sony" again.
Russian translations of BS.Player here:
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