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Old 1st April 2005
Tizio Tizio is offline
BS.Player Master
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I don't know if the InfraRed-receiver of your TV Tuner device supports WinLIRC (mine doesn't).
If it doesn't, you can't configure BSplayer to use your remote.
- If you are unlucky with the IR-receiver that comes with your tuner device you can create one by yourself! :D Thake a look at this site:
or make a google search for WinLIRC, pc remotes... and you will find many sites with the schematics you need to create a remote supported by WinLIRC.
- An alternative is to use Girder or another program that can recognise your remote... search the web for more information.
- If you are lucky, and you remote is supported, you have to download WinLIRC, configure it with your remote signals, and then go to the BSplayer's preferences window under the section "Key definitions & WinLIR"

Hope this coul help. If you need more information post another message and I (or another user) will try to help you.

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