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Old 29th December 2005
Tizio Tizio is offline
BS.Player Master
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Italy
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Tizio will become famous soon enough

No, I don't think it should stay also ontop of the movie window.. Well, not always..

Do you intend in FullScreen mode or in Normal mode?
- If you want the control window to stay ontop of the movie window while you are in FullScreen mode, you can un-check the option "Auto hide main window"..and the control window will stay ontop of the movie window until you press your mouse.
- If you want the control window to stay ontop of the movie window while you are in Normal mode, check the option "Always on top - control window" (maybe it works also without checking this option), and the control window will be on top of the Movie one until you press the mouse button while laying the mouse cursor onto the Movie window, or you click on the BSplayer button on the taskbar..
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