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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 28th March 2006
Tizio Tizio is offline
BS.Player Master
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Italy
Posts: 3,037
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Tizio will become famous soon enough

Yes, maybe it's not so expensive, but remember that I'm still a student and the money I earn I spend to help my parents to pay my study..and buy another machine just to install Win98 it doesn't worth it
Originally Posted by adicoto
I've jumped over 2000 ? I was never interested in that number. But now, that you mention it, I think it's time to think about my retirement. I am old, and tired. Leave a free space for the young and fast ones.
Noooooo :shock:
Do you want to retire and let us (younger but less expert.. and I have doubts regarding speed) without you knowledgeand and your support??
I hope not before 2010 :)
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