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Old 12th June 2006
Tizio Tizio is offline
BS.Player Master
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Italy
Posts: 3,037
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Tizio will become famous soon enough

- The Winamp Enhancer DSP plugin bug is still there. Maybe you can skin the windows only when they are effectively displayed, and not when they are loaded into memory
- I think that adding an option to edit RADIO/TV/PODCAST added items will be a good idea, so people can modify/look-and-copy the content of their added streams. (IMHO it's not enough to only show the links by overing the mouse on the items)
- For PODCASTs I think that once a Podcast's content has been downloaded, it should be directly played in BSplayer
- For PODCAST, when you doubleclick on an item, it will not be downloaded, but it will be added to the playlist, but when you try to play it an ERROR! string appears in the Currently Played file name. Instead if you select Download menu item, the file will be downloaded, but not added to the playlist :?
- If you doubleclick a DVD item from the MediaLibrary the DVD playback starts, but if you do the same thing from the Playlist's DVD section (available only in the New style Playlist) nothing happens..
- A request more than a bug, but there should be a "Play" item in the Playlist selected file's right-click menu. This will make possible to create new Playlist directly from Playlist (new style window) instead of ONLY from MediaLibrary, plus this will probably fix the doubleclick don't working issue in Playlist's DVD section
- If it is not possible to delete the genre (and also Artist and Album) elements from the media library lower panel once the AUDIO items are removed, maybe a "Clear library" section button would be a nice choice (this will prevent BSplayer to show messages if the ML database will corrupt)

- In the forum pages, the links at the top pointing to the homapage etc. are broken links (they don't point to the homepage) and once you click them you are redirected to a NOT FOUND (error 404) page
- In the homepage skin section, if you sort the skins by Most Commented, the third one preview is of Icy 1.3 skin, but the displayed name is This is skin name, and when you click on it, the preview is of sürüm 0.27 ** -- for inciler groups -- ** skin... :?
(I don't know if other skins have similar problems, but it seems that that skin is the only one with such a problem)
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