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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 2nd January 2008
Tizio Tizio is offline
BS.Player Master
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Italy
Posts: 3,037
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Tizio will become famous soon enough

Oh, ok.. I always used Girder v3 to do these things, really simple to use and really versatile..

If you don't want to use other programs then only BSplayer authors can help you. There are some actions that need to be added to the actions list (Open device etc.)
You can only notify these problems/requests and wait until they will be implemented ;)

Topic moved to Features requests ;)
BSP SkinMaker (v1.07) the one and only Skin Editor for BSplayer
BSP Definitions Manager (v1.02)
BS.Player's FAQ (by BSPeter) | Italian language file (v2.57 build 1051)
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