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Old 31st January 2009
Doujingai Doujingai is offline
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Alright, I tried your idea.:) My results:
I set the playlist to load all files in the directory and upon opening a file the language that's in the audio stream field is "Eng". However; as soon as I select anything within the playlist, it switches to "jpn" and if I try to change it to anything else it defaults back to "jpn". Also when I try to type something into the audio stream field (within playlist) it acts as though I'm still within BS.Player; like J brings up jump to file and whatnot. Even with "jpn" being the selected language of the playlist I still get English as the default language and sometimes both Japanese and English are selected. (strange)

Here are some pictures of the default language. I made sure to skip to the next file to make sure the "jpn" was in effect:
(I couldn't manage to capture the actual video)
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