BS.Player forum is now a fully functional 50% 50% AdSense revenue sharing forum.
What this means is that there is a 50% chance for your ads to be displayed in every view of topics/posts you make. The more you participate the more earnings you will have from Google AdSense through
What are the limitations?
1.) You need to have a valid
AdSense account
2.) Your AdSense client ID will be used 50% for every view of any topics/post you make.
3.) You need to have at least 10 posts before your AdSense client ID will be used.
How do i set it up?
In order for this to work, you will need to have your own AdSense account. Once you have your AdSense account, get your AdSense client ID (pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and save it in your profile CP under
Edit additional details. You can begin to monitor statistics from your AdSense account in a few minutes.