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Old 16th March 2009
Cave Cave is offline
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Unhappy Play on TV independently of Computer

Hello Everyone,

Please be patient, I'm really a newbie here.

I used to have an old laptop with Bsplayer, ATI Raedon, a S-video output and windows XP.

I used to connect the PC to any TV with the S-Video (and with the keys FN+F5 -> switch to use TV+PC)

When I opened any movie with bsplayer while connected to the TV, the movie was in full mode on the TV (adjusted to the size of the TV) independently of the PC (the movie in PC could be in full screen, or minimized). I could still continue working on the PC, do whatever I wanted, while the movie was playing full screen on the TV.

My computer crashed and i bought a new one, with Vista, nVidia GeForce 9500 GT 512Mb, new version of BSplayer and also S-video output.

Does anyone knows how can I use the same type of screening liked before, i.e., play a movie "automatically" in full screen on the TV and work independently in PC?

Thank you very much,
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