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Old 9th June 2011
Zatos Zatos is offline
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Good news. Installing the 2.58 Beta update helped to fix this problem. It did not outright fix it, but if I uncheck the 'opensubtitles' and 'getsubtitles' as online subtitle providers - and just leave the bsplayer server - it will work. YES!

First thing it did before I unchecked those was once again act like it was downloading and then created a 0 byte sub file. This suggests to me that it must be something that has changed on the back end.

I hope it continues to work. Even though I'm not deaf or hard of hearing - my comprehension goes way up when I have subtitles.

Finally, thanks for the update guys. I haven't been able to find another video player that has all the features I like about BSPlayer.
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