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Old 4th January 2012
ssdevious ssdevious is offline
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Default Loading Subtitles & Maximizing Causes Terrible Screen Lags


I'm very sorry for bothering your support, but I'm in a need of urgent help.

After BS Player kept reminding me for more then a half a year that I should upgrade to a newer version, I couldn't resist anymore and I did it. The result is why I'm typing this message.

I start playing an .mkv, everything is fine as long as it's small window, 400 x 200 px, but then I load subtitles, maximize it and after 3 or 4 seconds, the screen gets some seizure, while being caught in a loop or it isn't actually a loop, it is moving forward, but like 2 or 3 frames forward, then it goes 2 frames backwards, it's really crazy, the sound does the same, only subtitles are more or less working.

Please, I will be grateful for any help provided.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
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