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Old 9th June 2013
Cela Cela is offline
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Originally Posted by adicoto View Post
...MKV with embeded chapters and it's working fine...
...MKV merge can do that with no problems...
... I wil be glad to test it and maybe come up with ideas. As far as I know, BSPlayer should support playback of such files (I see it's stated on BSPlayer's page)...
... Android support for chapters I know it's on TODO list of BSPlayer's developpers...
... But I will also move my only file to an SD card and try on android BSPlayer and see the results.
Sounds like very good news! I am very happy with your explanation. Thank you very much!
I really appreciate your help very much!
Maybe, timmy2, the original poster, would have been happy too and would have become a BSplayer friend like me.

All files (as stated on BSPlayer's page) PLAY very well in Windows and Android.
Chapter navigation in BSplayer Android is my main concern.

Thanks for your offer to test my camcorder files. No need to test. These files PLAY well in BSplayer Windows and BSplayer Android!
The chapters issue in BSplayer for Android can be tested and reproduced with any video file.

Please help with further details!
Please give me the link so that I can download your mkv file (which you downloaded from the internet), so that we can discuss the same mkv file sample.

I am no friend of embedded MKV chapters.
As you see from my postings, I am a friend of a _simple_, separate, accompanying chapter file.
Of the kind which is supported by BSplayer Windows since a very long time, at least since year 2002! (When I prepared my answer to timmy2's original posting, I noticed in my ChapterXtractor v.092 from 5/2002(!) that it came with a BSplayer chf preset!)

Please help me double check:
1. With "...I have just 1 file with embedded chapters and it's working fine, no problems here..." you mean that you can Ctrl+B navigate your embedded MKV chapters in BSplayer for Windows? and BSplayer for Android?
Note: mkv files, for me too, are also are "working fine" in the sense of that they "play well", with BSplayer Windows and BSplayer Android.
Exception:_ chf_chapter navigation does not work in my BSplayer for Android!
You say, the embedded MKV chapter _navigation_ works well in your BSplayer for Windows?
And in BSplayer for Android?

2. MKV merge: Back in 2010, I already tried "mkvmerge GUI (MKVtoolnix) v3.1.0 Jan 19 2010". But I could not test the resulting embedded chapters. In these days I did not find any SW and HW video player that served the embedded chapters. (Well, I did not try it with BSplayer in these days. It was last year that BSplayer Android came to my attention, and some time later made me buy BSplayer Windows too!)
So I gave up with MKV merge and did not become a friend of embedded mkv chapters.
(Then I found multiAVCHD. Besides many other fine features it also provided chapter support and converted simple chapter time and annotation input to Blu-ray Disk and AVCHD embedded chapters, working well not only in some Windows software players and in standalone BD players but also in special HW players like PS3 and Popcorn Hour.) Now, I am willing to try it again.

3. Please give me a link to your MKV file with embedded chapters. I would like to base my further experiments with mkv merge on comparing with a working embedded MKV chapters example. (My failure with embedded mkv chapters back in 2010 could have been due to not correctly using mkv merge. It may help me to verify my way of "mkv merge" embedding chapters into the media file.)

4. Android support for chapters ... on TODO list of BSPlayer's developers: Which chapter support? chf file chapters? Embedded MKV file chapters? Or both?

Though, my main focus remains on _chf_like chapters in a _simple_, separate, accompanying chapter file!

adicoto, I really appreciate your help very much! With your help: "Yes, we can"
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