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Old 10th June 2013
Cela Cela is offline
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Originally Posted by adicoto View Post
About CHF chapters, why use external files when you can put them inside ?
Why not? Why put them inside? There are pros and cons!
Separate CHF can be a clever solution:
+ CHF only needs 1 small (10 KB to 100 KB) text file for any size (some 100 MB to some 10 GB) media file
_ To embed the 100 KB CHF info into a 4GB media file mkvmerge has to 'copy/merge' the 4GB media with the 100 KB text content into a new 4GB+ file - much overhead!
+ 1 CHF suits many recoded versions of same media content!
(1 CHF serves all: 1080p, 720p, 480p versions / mp4, mkv, m2ts, ... m4a, mp3, ...versions)
- otherwise you have to embed the same 100 KB into each of the media variants.
+ CHF is extremely SIMPLE!!! Can be created using Notepad. No need for special software!
(OGM, HTML chapters are much more complicated and need special software to create)
+ mkvmerge chapter creation is much more complicated and cumbersome
+ CHF is easy to implement in players
+ CHF is implemented in BSplayer Windows since 2002
+ CHF has same DVD like menu (as your screenshot) in BSplayer Windows
+ CHF can be easily converted to other simple text file based formats
+ CHF (because of its small size) can be easily sent to tablet and phone via WiFi in seconds for use with the tablet version of the media file
My main reason: I like CHF! I dislike the overhead of embedding!

CHF is THE reason and motivation for my interest in BSplayer Windows and Android!
I definitely will not buy the renewal of my BSplayer Pro license or buy Version 3 if CHF support will be canceled in Windows version and will not be implemented in Android version!

Your link is of no use for me since I do not want to 'pay' the download with publishing my phone number to advertising in "Complete a Survey to Continue", etc. I am not interested in the complete show. (I already own it on BD!)

I am only interested in a small sample mkv with embedded chapters to study and test chapter embedding.
Could you please do what you advised me to do in your earlier posting (quote: "... If you can prepare such a file of a small size (up to 1 GB) and post it to a file transfer service (, or an international service similar to) I wil be glad to test it ...") and provide me sample.
Thanks for your help!

Last edited by Cela; 10th June 2013 at 04:38 PM.
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