Originally Posted by adicoto I did not use chapter editor in MKV merge, just written manually the file. But it's kind of the same thing. |
The result may be the same, but I doubt the "kind of the same thing" part. The descripton in chapter 4 of MKV Merge F1 Help sounds far more complicated!
Originally Posted by adicoto ... My file, my friend, is an MKV with embeded chapters and it's working fine. It's not my creation, it's just downloaded from internet... |
How about a small part from this file? Just a chunck with 2 or 3 chapters. Would be interesting to analyze the embedding. Could you please upload a sample chunck from this file?
Originally Posted by adicoto 1. Not much to understand from your screenshot as it's resolution is too low.... |
I splitted the screenshot in two parts, an upper and a lower part. I hope that the upload to this forum will not kill as much space and resolution.
These are the findings which the screenshot(s) should document and visualize.
Sceenshot "CHF_Example_A.jpg"
It is the upper half of the combined screenshot of the earlier posting.
The screenshot refers to playig "sample.mkv" (1) with "Sample.chf" (2) in the same Windows directory.
The media file "sample.mkv" does not contain any embedded chapters. But BSplayer Pro for Windows searches in the directory of the media file for a file named like the media file with extension ".chf" instead of the media extension: "sample.chf" (same filename, not case sensitive). To get acceptedit has to fulfill certain format requirements. If Yes, then BSplayer uses the contained CHF chapter information for chapter navigation.
The following 'screenshot tutorial' also holds for embedded chapters (tested with OGM type chapters embedded with MKV Merge).
The Bsplayer for Windos CHF chapter feature offers some fine options:
1. NEXT Ctrl+B >> and << PREV Ctrl+Y GUI icon and keyboard shortcut navigation
Ctrl+Z with DE (German) keyboard, is it Ctrl+Z with for EN (US) keyboard?
<< >> GUI controls are available in BSplayer.v1 skin. Which other skins?
2. Chapter menu (text list):
> right mouse click to get BSplayer's Options menu,
> halfway down, put mouse pointer over Chapters (or Kapitel or equivalent in your language)
> then the Chaptermenu text list will be display (a list of the CHF chapter texts)
> click on a chapter text entry to jump to the start frame of that chapter
If BSplayer did not find a valid CHF file, it opens an Open file window that allows to search for *.chf file types.
> Chapter Viewer: The chapter menu list ends with an option Viewer (or equiv. in your language).
Sceenshot "CHF_Example_B.jpg":
It is the lower half of the combined screenshot of the earlier posting.
Chapter Viewer:
The graphical DVD/BD-like chapter menu can be accessed in two ways.
> from the Chapter menu (text list) as shown above, or by
> Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut, the quick way. (That's why Ctrl+C in BSplayer is not available as keyboard shortcut for COPY; use right mouseclick option instead!). BSplayer can take a few seconds to generate the chapter icons.
The Chapter viewer shows the start frame of each chapter at chapter start time. The chapter icon should represent the chapter. Though the chapter start frame is often faded and/or not typical for the chapter. Chapter text is in each icon's upper left corner. It is unreadably small! Readable charactersize and better placement of chapter text is needed in the graphical chapter menu!
Summary of Feature requests resulting from this example
(CHF_Example_A, CHF_Example_B screenshots):
* Controls in Skins: which skins have these controls?
<< PREV, NEXT >> ?
Chapters menu text list ?
Chapter Viewer ?
* Keyboard shortcuts:
Chapter menu text list ?
Options drop down menu ?
* Chapter Viewer:
Readable textsize for chapter text
Option to select mid-chapter frame as chapter icon frame (as found in multiAVCHD),
(especially useful for concert recordings)
* Handling of longer chapter lists with many chapters?
Chapter menu text list ?
Chapter Viewer ?
* "Top" player needs "Top" Guides and Manuals!
Features Guide, User's Guide, F1 Help, YouTube video tutorials, etc. !!!
* "Top" player for Android needs chapter feature ASAP!
I am sure, the time you and I spent to prepare these postings here is far beyond the time a BSplayer programmer would have needed to transfer the respective codes from Windows to Android version to provide the CHF feature in BSplayer for Android!
I strongly hope that you,
as moderator and BS.Player Master, will use your influence, PLEASE , to get the CHF feature in Android BSplayer going. It is a small task for the BSplayer programmer(s) but an important step to top the "Top" ranking! It would make me happy and stop me writing long postings!
Thank you so much for your important help!